Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Nuisance Idea

With the implimented idea, we found our project to be quite interesting in that, our desired effect of bringing awarness to germs had semi turned around in a way. As the participants interact with the installation they will first feel some form of nusiance to the germs that are attracted to them. However the more the interact with the installation the more likely that they will start playing with them. Passing them from 1 person to the other or gathering them all to stick onto your body.

Throughout the coding process we ran into quite a few problems and maybe through future literations of the codes we can get more functions from our original idea to work out. Some of that being the growth of the germs once they attach to a spot, or possibly how they can interact with other germs.

on a side note
We had several research precedents, one of which was the insect project shown in class:
We looked at the inter-subjectivity between the objects and how users understand and interpret their relationship, as well as what aspects engages the two.

We also looked at the FIAT Interactive Installation:
With this project, we looked into how people communicate with objects on the screen, the gestures they use, and how they would react with it.

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