Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Nuisance Idea

With the implimented idea, we found our project to be quite interesting in that, our desired effect of bringing awarness to germs had semi turned around in a way. As the participants interact with the installation they will first feel some form of nusiance to the germs that are attracted to them. However the more the interact with the installation the more likely that they will start playing with them. Passing them from 1 person to the other or gathering them all to stick onto your body.

Throughout the coding process we ran into quite a few problems and maybe through future literations of the codes we can get more functions from our original idea to work out. Some of that being the growth of the germs once they attach to a spot, or possibly how they can interact with other germs.

on a side note
We had several research precedents, one of which was the insect project shown in class:
We looked at the inter-subjectivity between the objects and how users understand and interpret their relationship, as well as what aspects engages the two.

We also looked at the FIAT Interactive Installation:
With this project, we looked into how people communicate with objects on the screen, the gestures they use, and how they would react with it.

Nuisance Test Run

With the projects progression the code has finally finished and we were given 1 lab to test it out. The test went pretty well and we had a chance to see how our project runs on the projector. Some of the tweaks that were done are shown in the Nuisance Codes post where brightness/contrast/saturation was added to allow the users to be able to view the images on the projector and to have the germs be bright enough for them to stick onto you.

Heres the video of the test run and interaction between the germs and the participants

Monday, October 18, 2010

Nusiance Codes


So we finally confirmed our topic. Instead of post-it notes, we will be using germs. We want to do something more educational and raise awareness. As flu season is coming, we want to let people know that germs are everywhere. It cannot be seen with the naked eye, but it is so powerful that it can spread across the country and harm our bodies. Because we cannot see it with our naked eye, users will be able to see surrounding 'germs' on the screen, and realize how many and how it can be harmful to them.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

320 brain storming

So today we were hammering out the last little bit of the details for the first project. We came across the idea of using the body as obstacles for something on the screen that is trying to get across or move around. We really wanted to explore a couple things, the ability to allow interactive collaboration between individuals that would stand in front or on top of this screen, possibly giving the audience the sense of power, control of everything that can happen in that world.

some possible outcomes could be:

1.Control of a world where animals/objects are trying to go from left to right or vis versa. The shadow from our body creates on the screens become the obstacles in which the projected creatures are trying to avoid

2. Micro-Organisms are on the screen trying to move around there space, by using the the hands or body we can confine 1 or more of these organisms and eventually after short duration of time has passed in this confined space the organism will merge as a bigger one. If by chance a bigger organism comes to close to the smaller ones the smaller once will be consumed. Not only can the user combine organisms, they can separate them. The micro organisms presented on the screen will try to avoid the audience, giving them a sense of herding them together.